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Results for "keyword: "spiritual growth""
Poetry to Lift Your Spirits A month's worth of poems celebrating an upwelling of life and spirit.
Poetry to Nourish the Soul A month's worth of poems to deepen your sense of peace, balance, love, and joy.
Navigating Life's Transitions Understandings, practices, and rituals to support you through life changes.
Crafting Your Own Religion How to work with time-honored elements to create a personal religion out of your own experience and inspiration.
Practicing Spirituality with Parker J. Palmer A multidisciplinary approach to change and transformation as an essential part of the human adventure.
The Spiritual Journey A formation program with Contemplative Outreach, designed for a full year of study.
Poetry to Transform Your Life A month's worth of poems to transport you into a world full of awe, wonder, marvel, deep sorrow, or joy.
Spiritual Literacy Films, reflections, and practice prompts to deepen your awareness of everyday spirituality.
A Journey of Discernment An e-course to learn to contemplatively discern the small and large decisions in life.
Contemplative Writing 52 emails (a year's worth) with prompts and ways to practice writing reflectively.